Insanity or simplicity of madness
I'm still denying it, the other side... which other side? Good or bad, does it matter if the result is still the same? Spilled blood will eventually dry, leaving a stain on the carpet. Wounds will heal, leaving ugliness behind and even more anxiety to cut. I'm giving up, it serves no meaning anymore, be true to yourself, it's not madness, it's life.
Min värdefullaste skatt
Borde sova, men kan bara inte... Kommer säkert få skäll av Ankan när hon får reda på att jag är vaken, och inte ringer henne. Förlåt con vit cua anh oi. Anh ska hoppa bums i säng efter detta inlägg, lovar.

En fluffig vän till Ankan, svartsjuk att denne får ligga och nosa på dig varje natt *blink*

En fluffig vän till Ankan, svartsjuk att denne får ligga och nosa på dig varje natt *blink*
Jag älskar dig med!
Hemma igen efter 2 dagar hos Ankan, enligt henne då så har hon gått upp tack vare mig. Haha, kan väl inte rå för alla skitsaker jag käkar, och vem gillar äta själv? Har iaf bara umgåtts med henne och systrarna då. En runda i torp i tisdags som inte gav något förutom glass. Skönt att få vara med henne igen efter mer än en vecka, just ja, hon fick en gosedjur i form av en varg av mig också! (Ja, jag vet, Ankan påstår att jag tycker om den mer än henne.) Hm, vad har vi gjort mera... jo ätit "goi cuon" (vietnamesisk maträtt), gott gott!
Japp, det var allt då, exklusive allt myspys, men det orkar jag inte ta upp =)
Japp, det var allt då, exklusive allt myspys, men det orkar jag inte ta upp =)
I ain't worth your forgivness
Not ever again, for every fault this time, I'll leave an scar to remind me of my mistakes. A scar so deep, invisible to the naked eye. Closing my eyes until it hurts, leaving myself in that void, knowing that loneliness is what I really deserve, but why am I still waiting for you to rescue me? Selfish thought.
I've used all my excuses for being weak,
for the last time, I'm sorry.
I've used all my excuses for being weak,
for the last time, I'm sorry.

Seeing you smile when I kiss you,
makes me want to kiss you nonstop!
It's wonderful to be in love with you
And because of that,
I'll have the willpower to fight any obstacle,
I'm even willing to sacrifice myself for you.
With no demands, not anymore.
When we fight, the world seems to fade away,
looking blindly at colors, not able to sense the joy from it,
makes everything pointless.
But you made me understand,
how importance I'm to you.
Giving my best to not let you down.
I'll have the willpower to fight any obstacle,
I'm even willing to sacrifice myself for you.
With no demands, not anymore.
When we fight, the world seems to fade away,
looking blindly at colors, not able to sense the joy from it,
makes everything pointless.
But you made me understand,
how importance I'm to you.
Giving my best to not let you down.
Love is fragile, handle with care
Drop a beautiful vase made of ice,
and it will shatter into pieces,
melting into one big pool of tears.
and it will shatter into pieces,
melting into one big pool of tears.
Ordinary in your world
Is special in mine,
as I've been telling you,
it's all the little things that you do,
all come together and it makes it happen.
I need you so much...
so don't ever stop being yourself,
the one I sincerely love.
I've watched you sleep,
I've been there seing you wake up.
It's something I would like to do everyday.
And I want to see you before I go to sleep,
It would make my heart smiling,
knowing there is a shootingstar watching over me,
and when I wake up,
I want to feel the embracement of my sunshine.
As I once said to you,
you make my day.
as I've been telling you,
it's all the little things that you do,
all come together and it makes it happen.
I need you so much...
so don't ever stop being yourself,
the one I sincerely love.
I've watched you sleep,
I've been there seing you wake up.
It's something I would like to do everyday.
And I want to see you before I go to sleep,
It would make my heart smiling,
knowing there is a shootingstar watching over me,
and when I wake up,
I want to feel the embracement of my sunshine.
As I once said to you,
you make my day.
Work it out
Every fight, every argue,
leaving a little wound behind,
waiting to be healed as time passes.
Though it may hurt sometimes,
it's important to remember how to smile again,
make some room for the moments to be cherished.
If I only could realize this more often,
and not hurting the one I love.
Won't give up, not this time.
Not this one.
leaving a little wound behind,
waiting to be healed as time passes.
Though it may hurt sometimes,
it's important to remember how to smile again,
make some room for the moments to be cherished.
If I only could realize this more often,
and not hurting the one I love.
Won't give up, not this time.
Not this one.
Dying words, last confession
With all my heart,
I love you,
through day and night,
past time and place.
But know this,
if I somehow, someday,
won't be able to love you like today,
it's not your fault.
Mistakes has been made,
lessons has been learned.
I know my words has lost it's worth,
but still,
I can't change the fact,
that I've fallen in love with you.
My course is set,
and my heart has made it's move.
Lead me towards your love.
I love you,
through day and night,
past time and place.
But know this,
if I somehow, someday,
won't be able to love you like today,
it's not your fault.
Mistakes has been made,
lessons has been learned.
I know my words has lost it's worth,
but still,
I can't change the fact,
that I've fallen in love with you.
My course is set,
and my heart has made it's move.
Lead me towards your love.